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Things You Need to Know Before a Home Renovation

The price of property  continues to rise  while the economy remains uncertain. This can make it very difficult to get established on the property ladder. The answer in many cases is either to undertake a self-build or to purchase a property for renovation. Choosing the self-build option is desirable but  often a very difficult process. It can be much easier to purchase a renovation and convert it into the property of your dreams. However; there are pitfalls! Here are 7 things you should know before you start a home renovation:

  1. Pests

When a home has been left unused and unloved for even a short period of time nature moves in. While it may be difficult for plants to start growing inside, it is relatively easy for a huge number of pests  to take up residence.  If you don’t take a look at the issue before you start renovating you can find a major stumbling block during your renovation. In the worst case you may even complete the renovation before you discover the pests; then you’ll have to undo some of your hard work! Even if you don’t think there is a pest issue it is worth getting a professional into advice on the weak spots in your home;  prevention is better than cure!

  1. Have It Surveyed

Most people have the building surveyed before they complete the purchase. In fact, this is often a condition of the mortgage. However, you should also have the land surveyed. This will ensure your exact borders are marked and that you are aware of any utilities that go under your land. This may affect your renovation project!

  1. Change Is Inevitable

The idea is to plan what you would like your new property to look like and then undertake the renovations. This is a good plan. However, you also need to be aware that changes do happen. As you renovate you’ll get more of a feel for how the house flows. This can affect your plans and should be embraced.

  1. Set A Budget

It is essential that you work out what your budget is for the house before you start. Unfortunately, things never go exactly to plan and there is always something that has been overlooked. Avoid potential issues by having a reserve budget but remember this is for emergencies! It is very difficult to renovate within your budget!

  1. Managing It

When you have different contractors coming and going it can be very difficult to keep track of everything and everyone. You need to record everything in writing so that there are no disputes further down the line. You should also appoint one person to manage the renovation. If you are not working then it can be you. If not it is worth paying someone to do this; it will make the renovations go much smoother.

  1. Regulations

It is very important that you check with your local planning office regarding your intended renovations. You need to know if any of these are affected by planning regulations. If they then get your planning sorted before you start the renovation; this will prevent you from being held up during the process.

  1. DIY

Finally, you need to consider whether you are going to do most of the work yourself or not. This will depend on your skill set and the time you have available. It can certainly save you funds but will you be able to achieve the finish you desire? Once you’ve prepared as much as possible start renovating, remember that it will always take longer than you think and enjoy the journey!

Things You Need to Know Before a Home Renovation